Which is Better and Why: MK-677 vs HGH vs Peptides

MK-677 Vs HGH

MK-677 is also very well known as ibutamoren or Nutrobal, and HGH is known as Human growth hormone.

The majority of competitive bodybuilders and physique athletes view growth hormone as a necessary stepping stone in their journey towards attaining physical perfection and optimizing their muscle development and fat loss potential.

However, REAL HGH is only unaffordable to many.

With a pharmacy-grade kit being up of $600-1000 in some instances (depending on the brand), it may be equal to creating a decent car payment each month to maintain your everyday HGH dosing protocol.

Thus, HGH is a drug that is basically only accessible to those with a quite large degree of disposable income, not to mention those that are well connected in the bodybuilding world, as sourcing legitimate HGH is a difficult task in itself.

The black market for HGH is extremely unreliable, and such, 90% of people who think they've attempted "HGH" have actually probably just been injecting sugar water or GH-releasing peptides laced together with anti-diuretics.

The cost of drugs in the world of bodybuilding readily crosses the threshold of insanity, and if adding a constant HGH expense for your wallet comes into play, that's essentially where your line of sensible spending will go out the window if you want to conduct a dose large enough to notice even a mildly significant benefit out of it.

However, now with MK-677 individuals can replicate the results they'd receive from an adequate dose of HGH, without needing to take out a second mortgage on their home.

We've personally noticed IGF-1 levels in many different individuals' blood work (the most accurate method of determining GH levels within the body) taking MK-677 attaining the equivalent of 2-3 IU daily dose of normal growth hormone.

These outcomes were achieved at a fraction of the cost of exogenous GH (literally 1/20th of the cost).

That is not to take anything away from GH though.

If you have a fantastic reputable source of Generic GH that tests as well as pharma grade GH, and also you don't need to spend a lot of money on it (the price is fair), there are definitely scenarios where using GH would be more beneficial.

Typically those would include situations where storage isn't an issue (you don't live with people who'll care when you've kits of GH in your fridge), you don't mind setting it, you do not want the hunger side impact that comes out of MK-677, or you would like to reach an IGF-1 degree higher than MK-677 can achieve alone (with a moderate-high dosage of good GH).

Alternatively of course if you just have heaps of disposable income and projecting a small fortune into pharma-grade GH is no problem, then by all means.

There are situations where MK-677 can equal IGF-1 degrees of high dose pharma-grade GH, but it all comes down to personal taste at the close of the day.

Bang for your buck/convenience of usage for 9/10 individuals will be in favor of MK-677.

MK-677 Vs Peptides

Evidently, for your needle averse, that MK-677 includes a high amount of oral bioavailability and GH peptides don't already is a huge advantage in favor of MK-677.

Also, you only need to take MK-677 once daily Because of its 24-hour half-life. So to get better results to purchase ibutamoren for sale from a trusted and certified seller of SARMs.

One of the various other growth hormone releasing peptides, they have to be utilized 3-6 times per day to maintain GH levels raised for a decent period of time.

Though brief duration GH peptides can be effective, even die-hard targeted out of the mind bodybuilders would acknowledge that supplementing your stomach fat with GH peptides every 3 hours, 6x daily, is a massive pain in the ass.

And of course, the fact that GH peptides need to be timed around your eating schedule so you don't have raised blood sugar levels when you ditch them, which would render them less effective.

You do not need to worry about ANY of these things at all in any capability when dosing MK-677.

Another advantage of MK-677 is that it doesn't cause pituitary desensitization such as other GHRP's to do.

Most GH peptides will cause desensitization within a short time period. To what degree will vary based on which compound you are injecting, but some of them, such as Hexarelin, start to induce desensitization from the 2nd dose, and within a few weeks are less powerful than they had been the first time you chucked them into your body.

MK-677 exhibits no such downside, as well as the study, really has demonstrated that MK-677 can be successful with long-term use.

One clinical study quantified an increase in IGF-1 levels by 60% in the 6 point stage and 72.9% after 12 months of treatment.

Some GH peptides (GHRP-6 most notably) are notorious for stimulating your appetite.

After injection, ghrelin is released in your body, resulting in an extremely dramatic increase in your hunger.

MK-677 has the same effect on your body, however, the effect is more lasting using MK-677 since it releases GH at a pulsatile manner around the clock for 24 hours.

This proves to be a very beneficial attribute for those trying to gain muscle and pack on the size as the desired increase MK-677 provides is nothing short of substantial.

Where To Buy MK-677

For the ones that are only here learn where to purchase accurately dosed, the third party analyzed ibutamoren for sale, these are the only companies from you can buy for your research:

(Greater Than 99% Purity: FTIR, HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS & NMR Tested)
  • Proven Peptides
  • Chemyo
  • SARMs Pharm
  • Swiss Chems
SARMs Pharm

At SARMs Pharm, their objective is to offer the highest purity pharmaceutical-grade selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMS) on every order. All of their pharmaceutical grade SARMs have been tested using GC/MS and HPLC to ensure quality and purity standards second to nothing. Each order will contain a certificate of analysis for each product purchased.

Disclaimer: The information included in this guide is meant for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Before purchasing something, check it is compliant in which you live to your current government legislation.