Guidance Before You Buy RAD-140

RAD-140, also known as Testolone, is a selective androgen receptor modulator – or SARM for short. These compounds are gaining a solid reputation within the bodybuilding world as safer and healthier alternatives to anabolic steroids.

RAD-140 began life as a type of testosterone replacement treatment but whether it serves as one is disputed.

Similar to other SARMs like S-4 (Andarine) and LGD-4033 (Ligandrol), RAD-140 is known to mimic the outcomes of testosterone albeit without the side effects.

This works because they both focus on the same receptors.

The effects they produce influence bone and muscle tissue as well as the liver


  • Enormous gains in lean muscle mass
  • Superior strength gains
  • Supports enhanced durability and explosive power
  • Improved muscular endurance and endurance
  • Fat burning
  • More anabolic than testosterone
  • No androgenic side effects such as male pattern baldness
  • Excellent piling potential with other SARMs and prohormones
  • Reduced recovery time
  • Increases libido
  • Heightened aggression
  • Greater brain function


RAD-140 is an orally administered SARM made to seek out, bind to, and activate the body's androgen receptors. This means that in the case of the prostate and breast tissues, RAD-140 blocks AR activation and AR cellular proliferation.

The advantage of this response, at least at a bodybuilding senses implies that RAD-140 can actively increase muscle and bone mass. This is a potent aid to any athletes seeking to boost muscle mass without raising androgen levels.

In one research scientists were able to use RAD-140 to Activates receptors in broken sections of the brain. The consequent reaction was a sign called the MAPK pathway that's proven to protect brain cells.

Androgens are a significant participant when it comes to protecting our brains. Tests have proved that androgens can improve brain cell growth, protect memory, and tackle the root cause of Alzheimer's disease.


Human trials, as mentioned are currently underway, but evidence from a trial on mice demonstrated the compound to be very successful in raising muscle.

Studies, virtually all of which can be overwhelmingly favorable. But we recommend that you must consult a doctor before using it.


Because RAD-140 is a SARM it is taken orally, usually in the form of capsules or liquid SARMs. The cause of this is simple. Compounds like steroids are not choosy about which cells they influence, therefore it can be dangerous to ingest them. By contrast, SARMs are selective concerning binding and will only bind to specific receptors. This means that unlike steroids, which need to be administered directly by intramuscular injection, RAD-140 is safe to take as an oral supplement.


RAD-140 is considered to have a similar potency to the compound LGD-4033 which shows solid results in the daily dose of 20/30mg.

Naturally, this does depend on your size and planned results.

RAD-140 is usually believed to function better for guys and some resources go further indicating that women avoid it completely.

If you're female and do wish to test it then we would strongly advise you to read up on each side of the debate before going ahead. If you do decide to try it then we recommend a lower daily dose of 5/10mg maximum.


As a new drug, prospective users must be mindful of the lack of clinical trials and outcomes. Certainly, this suggests there is insufficient data to establish whether the medication is safe for human consumption. On the flip side of that argument, RAD-140 has seen substantial use in the bodybuilding community.

The good news is that neither the couple clinical paths nor much of the private evidence suggests there is much to worry about concerning ill effects.

One side effect to be aware of and prepare yourself for is suppression; your body's natural testosterone production is reduced or possibly shut down.

Suppression is triggered by the SARM's capability to fool the body into believing it has an abundance of testosterone. Suppression may lead to fatigue, low libido, and also a lack of motivation or aggression.

Other small reported side effects of RAD-140 include mild headaches, nausea, and skin conditions like acne and rashes.

Naturally, the chances of side effects increase with higher doses, and staying within safe recommended limits greatly reduces the degree of the side-effects you’ll experience.


Due to its myotropic/androgenic properties, there is a low risk that RAD-140 could encourage baldness if taken at a sufficiently high dosage.

You will find substantial anecdotal reports of consumers losing hair to RAD-140, but in each case, the reported dosage was far higher than usual.

It needs to be noted that by adding it into an anabolic steroid stack, RAD-140 could reduce the chance of hair loss.


All SARMs carry the risk of gynecomastia (gyno) due to their impact on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis. Nevertheless, the threat is much reduced with RAD-140.

Allergic testosterone generation is enough to make a hormone imbalance and such an imbalance might be sufficient to trigger gynecomastia development.

If in doubt, take professional doctor advice.


RAD-140 is often considered the next best thing to steroids, at least in terms of results.

There are multiple reports of enormous lean muscle and strength gains as well as some hint it may help burn off fat at the same moment.

In terms of practicality, there is no competition, regardless of the fact testolone hasn't been around long it has already proven itself to be a feasible alternative to conventional steroids. Not only is it non-specific and therefore safe to take in oral form, but RAD-140 also has all the upsides of anabolic steroids and practically none of the downsides (except suppression).

There are no reports of testicular reduction or an enlarged prostate. Indeed, the most significant complaint is that it might cause a decrease in testosterone levels.

RAD-140 is renowned for its effectiveness and because of this reports of dramatic results are trivial.


As mentioned, the compound was at least partially developed as an alternate to Testosterone. It is reasonable that they share quite a few properties, although one study emphasized an interesting difference.

In tests it was found that obtained alongside anabolic steroids, RAD-140 was able to reduce the side effects of testosterone. It is not known precisely why this phenomenon occurred, but it is likely related to RAD-140's inability to aromatize or convert into DHT. In any event, the results appeared conclusive.


Testolone, or RAD-140, is best taken in six to twelve-week cycles followed by a class of PCT (Post Cycle Therapy).

In the first couple of weeks, RAD-140 users will begin to feel stronger. This due to the compound's ability to help the body build muscle. This greater strength will let you train harder and longer and subsequently build even more muscle.

Halfway into your cycle, you should begin to see a significant physiological change. Increase weight, observable muscle development, and naturally, you'll be able to train even harder today.
Throughout the process, you may continue to gain weight and strength and if your dose and application are on target, you can expect to see gains muscle mass gains anywhere between 10 to 15 lbs (4.5 to 7.5 kg).


RAD-140 is readily available on the market but it's worth remembering the SARMs and supplement market may be the lawless place. Therefore it is a great idea to supply your source from a reliable source rather than from the rear of the fitness center.

Obviously, SARMs Pharm provides a superb range of RAD-140 products with individually analyzed Certificate of Analysis (CoA) records to reassure you of everything you purchase, but there are others out there also, just be sure to avoid the black market.

Testolone is not the cheapest SARM on the block, however as the drug becomes more accepted in the mainstream you may expect to see the price fall. For now, however, many users consider its price point acceptable, especially considering the achievable results.


Miracle elixirs and potions of youth are typical phrases in the bodybuilding world. With just a bit of research and a few closer examination, but these magical cure-alls are more frequently than not little more than glorified snake oil.

Testolone or even RAD-140 holds up to closer scrutiny better than most.

At the end of the day, we have to conclude that despite its chequered past in the pharma world, RAD-140 does appear to have much to provide the bodybuilding world. You'll want to be certain you keep inside the guidelines and always be prepared to seek out professional medical advice if matters go south.